Attorney Ly Chantola
President of the Bar Association of Cambodia
Attorney Ly Chantola was elected as the new President of the Bar Association of Cambodia during the 25th General Assembly of the Bar Association of Cambodia. According to sub-decree 124 dated 3 August 2017 on the establishment of ALA Cambodia, the President of the Bar Association of Cambodia shall also chair ALA Cambodia. Attorney Ly Chantola was therefore appointed Chair of ALA Cambodia for a term of two years from 16 October 2020 to October 2022. He was reappointed President of the Bar Association of Cambodia on 16 October 2022 and therefore reappointed Chair of ALA Cambodia from 16 October 2022 to 16 October 2024.
Attorney Ly Chantola has been in legal practice for almost 20 years and is currently a lawyer at SVP law firm. He graduated from the Royal University of Law and Economics (RULE) in 1999 with a Cambodian bachelor’s degree in private law. He also received a French bachelor’s degree in private law in 2000. In 2002, he received his master’s degree from Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University on a scholarship from the French government.
In 2009, Attorney Ly Chantola was appointed by the King as a member of the Council of Ministers’ Council of Jurists and subsequently its deputy chairman.